About CBD

What is Full Spectrum CBD Oil?

HemPur Full-spectrum CBD Tincture contains all the cannabinoids that are found in the cannabis plant, rather than just CBD (Cannabidiol).

Depending on the plant and the type of extraction method the nutrient value in the CBD oil will differ. The extraction of cannabidiol from Hemp flowers leaves and stem consists of terpenes and Cannabinoids. The more terpenes and cannabinoids are saved during the process, the more benefits are offered to the consumer!

When taking HemPur Full-Spectrum CBD you get every single benefit that the cannabis plant has to offer.

The main benefit that we have found that lead us to make a Full Spectrum CBD product is that it interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), helping it to run smoothly and actually encourages the body to produce compounds called endocannabinoids. The ECS has the role of maintaining homeostasis, making it vital for a variety of ways.

Our biggest priority is to deliver pure wellness to our customers that are well rounded and authentic. HemPur’s process of making Full Spectrum CBD uses the plant’s terpenes to extract the CBD. By nourishing the terpenes in our full spectrum CBD tinctures, it allows for all of the medicinal benefits from the Cannabis plant to stay present even after the manufacturing.

The Tincture

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The Cream

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